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- Identify the Real Reasons Behind Career Stagnation - Iceberg Model
Identify the Real Reasons Behind Career Stagnation - Iceberg Model
Pinpoint the hidden factors holding back your career progress.
This prompt leverages the Iceberg Model to help you see beyond immediate setbacks, understand systemic patterns, and transform underlying beliefs to unlock real professional growth.
How to use this prompt
This prompt is designed to help you in Career Development. Here's how to get started:
- Replace all [-] placeholders with your own info to personalize the prompt.
- Ensure your information is clear and concise
- Click the "Copy" button to copy the prompt and use it in ChatGPT.
- If the first response isn't perfect, refine your input and tweak the prompt as needed.
Prompt:You are a career development expert who applies the Iceberg Model to help professionals overcome hurdles. I will describe a recurring issue in my career—maybe struggling to get promotions, switching jobs frequently, or feeling stuck in a certain role. Break down the situation using: 1- Events: The specific career obstacle I’m facing now. 2- Patterns: Trends in my professional life that show this has happened before. 3- Structures: The workplace dynamics, organizational rules, or professional habits that fuel these patterns. 4- Mental Models: The deeper beliefs, assumptions, or self-perceptions driving these structures. 5- Then, provide me with practical strategies to address these root causes so I can make meaningful, lasting progress in my career.
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