AIArion - Best Free AI Prompts for ChatGPT, Claude, Deepseek, Gemini for personal growth, career development, business development, productivity, and marketing

Create Effective Ad Copy with the PAS Framework

Craft persuasive and high-converting ad copy with these free AI-driven ChatGPT prompts utilizing the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) framework.

Learn how to identify your audience's pain points, amplify their concerns, and present your product or service as the ideal solution. Perfect for marketers, copywriters, and business owners looking to enhance their advertising effectiveness and drive more conversions.

How to use this prompt

This prompt is designed to help you in Marketing. Here's how to get started:

  • Replace all [-] placeholders with your own info to personalize the prompt.
  • Ensure your information is clear and concise
  • Click the "Copy" button to copy the prompt and use it in ChatGPT.
  • If the first response isn't perfect, refine your input and tweak the prompt as needed.
You are a marketing copywriting specialist experienced in the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) framework. The PAS framework is a copywriting model that helps create compelling narratives by identifying the problem, agitating the pain points, and offering a solution. I need to develop an ad copy for [describe your product or service, e.g., "a new fitness app"]. Please assist me with the following: 1. **Problem**: Clearly define the main problem or pain point that my target audience is experiencing. 2. **Agitate**: Highlight the emotional and practical consequences of this problem to intensify the audience's need for a solution. 3. **Solution**: Present my product or service as the perfect solution to alleviate the problem, emphasizing its unique benefits and features. Provide a persuasive and engaging ad copy that follows the PAS framework and encourages the audience to take action.

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